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- { Serial Demo program adapted from SerialDemo.c by Mark Y. Geschelin. }
- { This program uses the modem port to send and recieve characters. }
- { It functions as a very simple terminal emulator. This is meant to be an }
- { example of the use of the Serial Manager, not an example of how to code }
- { a terminal emulator!! }
- { Compile this program with Runtime.lib, Interface.lib, and Serial.p }
- { Pascal port by Phil Shapiro and Mark Y. Geschelin, ) 1990 Symantec Corp. }
- { Revised: }
- { 7-03-90 Myg Added handshaking and made buffer larger as well as some special}
- { processing because I found the default behavior really annoying during testing}
- { 9-26-91 PLS Fixed to use OpenDriver instead of RAMSDOpen, other various aesthetic}
- { improvements. Also added "back tic" escape route for old macs. }
- program SerialDemo;
- uses
- Serial;
- const
- EscapeChar = Chr($1B);
- BackTicChar = '`';
- LinefeedChar = $0A;
- BackspaceChar = $08;
- DeleteChar = $7F;
- Echo = FALSE;
- recieveRaw = FALSE; { Set this to true to see the raw data as sent }
- transmitRaw = FALSE; { Set this to true to send the data exactly as typed }
- BufferLen = 1024;
- xonchar = Chr($11);
- xoffchar = Chr($13);
- hatchar = $5E;
- OutDriverName = '.AOut';
- InDriverName = '.AIn';
- type
- BufferType = packed array[1..BufferLen] of SignedByte;
- BufferPtr = ^BufferType;
- var
- inBuf: BufferPtr; { our buffer }
- serialManagerBuffer: BufferPtr; { the buffer for the serial manager }
- inRefNum, outRefNum: integer;
- function AvailChar: Char; { poll for data from keyboard }
- var
- c: Char;
- event: EventRecord;
- function InterpretOutput (x: SignedByte): Char;
- begin
- if transmitRaw then
- InterpretOutput := Char(x)
- else
- case x of
- BackspaceChar:
- InterpretOutput := Char(DeleteChar);
- LinefeedChar:
- ;
- otherwise
- InterpretOutput := Char(x);
- end;
- end;
- begin
- c := Char(0);
- if GetNextEvent(everyevent, event) then
- if (event.what = keyDown) or (event.what = autoKey) then
- c := InterpretOutput(BAND(event.message, charCodeMask));
- AvailChar := c;
- end;
- procedure CleanUp;
- var
- dummy: OSErr;
- begin
- if inbuf <> nil then
- dispose(inbuf);
- if serialManagerBuffer <> nil then
- dispose(serialManagerBuffer);
- if inRefNum <> 0 then
- dummy := CloseDriver(inRefNum);
- if outRefNum <> 0 then
- dummy := CloseDriver(outRefNum);
- end;
- procedure DisplayBuff (count: Longint);
- var
- i: Longint;
- hatflag: boolean;
- procedure Interpret (x: SignedByte);
- begin
- if hatflag then
- hatflag := false
- else
- begin
- if recieveRaw then
- write(Char(x))
- else
- case x of
- LinefeedChar, BackspaceChar:
- ;
- hatchar:
- hatflag := true;
- otherwise
- write(Char(x));
- end;
- end;
- end;
- begin
- hatflag := false;
- for i := 1 to count do
- Interpret(inbuf^[i]);
- end;
- procedure GetSerialChars (count: Longint);
- var
- err: OSErr;
- begin
- err := FSRead(inRefNum, count, Ptr(inbuf));
- end;
- function SerialCharsAvail: integer;
- var
- count: Longint;
- err: OSErr;
- begin
- err := SerGetBuf(inRefNum, count);
- SerialCharsAvail := count
- end;
- procedure SerialWrite (ch: Char);
- var
- err: OSErr;
- num: Longint;
- cha: SignedByte;
- begin
- num := 1;
- cha := SignedByte(ch);
- err := FSWrite(outRefNum, num, @cha);
- end;
- function SerialInit: OSErr;
- var
- err: OStErr;
- flags: SerShk;
- procedure FailOSErr (err: OSErr);
- begin
- if err <> noErr then
- begin
- SerialInit := err;
- exit(SerialInit);
- end;
- end;
- begin
- outRefNum := 0;
- inRefNum := 0;
- serialManagerBuffer := nil;
- inbuf := nil;
- SerialInit := noErr;
- with flags do
- begin
- fxon := byte(TRUE);
- finx := byte(TRUE);
- xon := xonchar;
- xoff := xoffchar;
- end;
- new(serialManagerBuffer);
- new(inbuf);
- FailOSErr(OpenDriver(OutDriverName, outRefNum));
- FailOSErr(OpenDriver(InDriverName, inRefNum));
- FailOSErr(SerReset(outRefNum, baud2400 + data8 + stop10 + noParity));
- FailOSErr(SerReset(inRefNum, baud2400 + data8 + stop10 + noParity));
- { make a large input buffer }
- FailOSErr(SerSetBuf(inRefNum, Ptr(serialManagerBuffer), Sizeof(BufferType)));
- { and even with the large input buffer set it up so it will send an xoff when the buffer is full }
- { see the flags structure }
- FailOSErr(SerHShake(inRefNum, flags));
- end;
- procedure Introduction;
- var
- r: Rect;
- begin
- SetRect(r, 5, 40, 500, 310);
- SetTextRect(r);
- ShowText;
- writeln('This program reads and writes to the modem port at 2400 baud.');
- writeln('It uses these protocols: 8 data bits, 1 stop bits, and no parity.');
- writeln('Press the ESC (or `) key to exit.');
- end;
- procedure Main;
- var
- err: OSErr;
- count: Integer;
- ch: Char;
- begin
- err := SerialInit;
- if err = noErr then
- begin
- ch := AvailChar;
- while (ch <> EscapeChar) and (ch <> BackTicChar) do
- begin
- if Ord(ch) <> 0 then
- begin
- SerialWrite(ch);
- if echo then
- write(ch)
- end;
- count := SerialCharsAvail;
- { see what happens if you comment out the SerHShake and leave this code in }
- { if count > (bufferlen div 2) then }
- { begin }
- { writeln; }
- { writeln('were are getting full warning count =', count, ' if this = buflen-1 chances are we overran'); }
- { end; }
- if count <> 0 then
- begin
- GetSerialChars(count);
- DisplayBuff(count)
- end;
- ch := AvailChar;
- end; {while}
- end
- else
- writeln('The serial initializations have failed, id = ', err);
- end;
- begin
- Introduction;
- Main;
- CleanUp
- end